Planning for a Hurricane Evacuation

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The following items are recommended for a basic disaster supply kit: drinking water, flashlights with extra batteries, non-perishable food, a non-electric can opener and essential medicines.  For a complete list, see the Charleston County Hurricane Preparedness website and the Charleston County Hurricane Preparedness Guide (pdf). To be prepared for a possible evacuation, have gas in your car and cash on hand.

In Charleston County, evacuations can be partial or full, voluntary or mandatory. If a mandatory evacuation is issued, the lanes on I-26 will be reversed (pdf) to speed up the evacuation process. Once a mandatory evacuation is called, you will not be allowed to return until it is lifted, so plan ahead.  Do not wait to leave as flooded roads, strong winds, fallen trees and power lines can block your evacuation if you wait until the last minute. Listen to the radio while on the road for the latest information about evacuation routes and storm updates.

Evacuation is likely to occur in stages, with barrier islands and other flood prone areas leaving first.  Evacuation routes are marked with blue signs. For a complete list of coastal evacuation directions, you should visit the SCDOT website. On this website, you will find:

The SC Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) website has similar information about preparing for hurricanes and earthquakes and other major disasters.

Refer to the GML Hurricane Plan for instructions on returning to GML after the storm.